Why "The Cake Stalker"?

How I became "The Cake Stalker"

When I was 17 years old, I fell head over heels in love with my manager at work. He was much older than me and I was pretty young and naive. I figured if the way to a man's heart was through his stomach then I must learn to bake. I followed this man around like a lost puppy with cakes, and pies and cookies-- whatever my daily creation, made just for him. He ignored me! Can you imagine-- I was hot! BUT I kept on stalking him. To make a long story short, when I turned 21, I returned home after a few years in college; we started dating and finally when I was 24 we got married. When I moved in with my new husband who had been a bachelor for, well he was never married and 36 years old... I had to clean out all the "man junk" and make room for my girlie stuff. In this process, I found a birthday card we (his co-workers) had given him when he turned 30. I had signed it, "Ernie, I wish you would start subtracting years so that we could meet in the middle and get married. Love, Kristan". I was 17 years old. So, whether my cake stalking was successful in winning my husband is still left in the air for debate-- he doesn't remember me other than as "jailbait". BUT I did win him in the end, SOOOO, something must have worked-- Now he loves my baking!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The OCC shoebox cake

This year my girls are celebrating their birthdays together by hosting a shoebox packing party for Operation Christmas Child. So, I made their cake a shoebox packed with toys, stationary, candy, and toiletries. Happy 6th Birthday Olivia and Happy 4th Birthday Sarah!